Nothing Without Us: Disability Throughout History

Mondays 15 May - 10 July, 10.30 - 12.30 

Kyle Jordan

Mondays at the Museums - Six workshops for adults: Participant Invitation

Do you identify as someone who is d/Deaf, Disabled or neurodiverse? Are you Oxfordshire-based?

Do you enjoy meeting new people and sharing your story?

Help us to reveal the hidden histories of objects connected to disability.

Join Curating for Change Fellow, Kyle Jordan, to reveal hidden histories of Disability present in objects cared for at the Pitt Rivers Museum and Ashmolean Museum. Reflect with Kyle on the objects he has uncovered in the collections. Bring your experiences of disability to the museums and help to shape the stories told in them.

Green figurine of a naked male with clenched fists

Key conversations will include care, precarity and form, helping us to think together on historic and current experiences of healthcare, body modification, violence and spaces of care.

We are looking for six participants who must be able to commit to at least five of six of the workshops. You will receive a £20 voucher of the group's choice for each workshop you attend. Transport costs and additional support costs will be supported e.g. BSL interpreter, support worker.

Dates: 15 May, 22 May, 5 June, 12 June, 26 June, 3 or 10 July

Find out more and express your interest here: