The Gathering Place: Africa

Saturday 4 May, 19.00 - 22.00

Free but booking required. 

Book your free ticket here.

Entry via the South Door on Robinson Close, off South Parks Road.

Join us for an evening of original music, performance, art and creative participation as we gather to explore diverse African arts, culture and heritage at the Pitt Rivers Museum. Contemporary artists from South Africa, West Africa and Oxford come together to re-engage and share newly created work grown from historical sounds, images, objects and histories within the Museum's collections. Expect live beats, poetry, sound, art, visual art, movement and more.

Featuring Xolile 'X' Madinda, Rawz, Lydia Idakula, Ndukwe Onuoha, Isaac Emokpae, Maka, Donna Ogunnaike... and you!

An initiative of the AHRC project Making the Museum and Oxford's Participatory Research Fund.

Featured Artists




Xolile 'X' Madinda is a Hip Hop artist, arts activist and founder and CEO of The Black Power Station in Makhanda, South Africa. He is a firm believer in the African philosophy of Ubuntu building a community of creatives ngentsebinziswano yobunye. X's practice is rooted in the re-imagining and re-archiving of African creative works to educate, liberate and empower the self and communities.









Rawz is a multidisciplinary artist from Oxford. His practice centres around words and music, and is rooted in social justice and the exploration and understanding of our interconnected worlds. 







lydia idakula


Lydia Idakula is an award-winning producer, writer and arts manager. She was Artistic Director of the Lagos Theatre Festival and is Director of the Taruwa Africa Centre. 







Ndukwe Onuoha


Ndukwe Onuoha is a spoken word poet inspired by questions about his Igbo identity. His style fuses a unique conversational delivery with traditional and modern instrumentation.






isaac emokpae


Isaac Emokpae is a multifaceted visual artist, who trained under the tutelage of Abayomi Barber at the University of Lagos. 







Maka is a Nigerian-born musician, known for her genre-blending music, fusing soul, Hip Hop, jazz and afrobeats. 







Donna Ogunnaike


Donna Ogunnaike is a spoken word poet, activist and lawyer. When she's not performing protest poems highlighting the ills of Nigerian governance, she is usually focused on more intimate and cathartic artistic expressions.


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